“It should be noted that children at play are not playing about; their games should be seen as their most serious-minded activity.”
~Michel de Montaigne
The Museum of Byzantine Culture aims in presenting various aspects of life during the byzantine and post-byzantine periods: art, ideology, social structure and religion, as well as how historical changes and the political situation were affecting people’ s everyday life. At the same time, the activity of the Department of Educational Programmes, the good structure and function of the conservation laboratories and of the archaeological material storerooms, the provision of scientific know-how to other Balkan countries, the organisation of scientific meetings and conferences, as well as the editing and publishing work, render the Museum into an exceptionally important centre for the preservation, research and promotion of Byzantine and Postbyzantine culture. Since the Museum’ s inauguration in 1994, an annual bulletin is published, the first of its kind by a Greek public museum. The Museum of Byzantine Culture was awarded the Council of Europe Museum Prize for 2005, following the concurrent recommendation of the Council’ s Committee for Culture, Science and Education.
Website (English version): www.mbp.gr
Gamecraft’s Archive of LARP games (in Greek): www.mbp.gr/edu
The story of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki is similar to the city’s recent history. The Ephorate of Antiquities “by the General Directorate of Macedonia” was the first service to be founded, on November 1912, only a fortnight after the city was incorporated into the Greek State. Until 1925, all antiquities found in Macedonia were gathered at the Residency (Διοικητήριο – the modern-day building of the Secretariat of Macedonia-Thrace) as well as the Ottoman Idadie School, which housed the Faculty of Philosophy of the Aristotle University. During World War I, the French Army (Armee Francaise d’ Orient) was gathering antiquities initially at Karabournaki and later on at Rotonda, while the British Army would gather the antiquities they uncovered at the White Tower.
Website (English version): http://amth.gr
TRAFFICKING OF ANTIQUITIES: STOP IT! – Gamecraft’s LARP for this exhibition (short English version)
The Fοlklife and Ethnological Museum of Macedonia-Thrace (F.E.M.M.-Th.) explores and studies the traditional culture of recent times in the region of northern Greece. It gathers, preserves, safeguards and records the material evidence of that past, making it available to the public for purposes of study, instruction and amusement. The Museum’s collections comprise some 20,000 items of all kinds – associated with agriculture, livestock breeding, fishing, as well as crafts such as weaving, sewing, embroidery, metalwork, carpentry and ceramics. These are artifacts which served man’s basic needs for food, housing and clothing, as well as other items playing a part in his social and spiritual life.
Since September 2011 and on a weekly basis, Gamecraft implements an educational program titled ‘A river, a wheel…a story’ every Friday from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm, aiming at elementary or high school educational visits.
Website (English version): http://www.lemmth.gr
Thessaloniki is Greece’s second major city, capital of the Central-Macedonia region, a large economic, industrial, commercial and political centre, and a major transportation hub for the rest of southeastern Europe; its commercial port is also of great importance for Greece and the southeastern European hinterland. The city is renowned for its festivals, events and vibrant cultural life in general, and is considered to be Greece’s cultural capital. Events such as the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair and the Thessaloniki International Film Festival are held annually, while the city also hosts the largest bi-annual meeting of the Greek diaspora. In 2014 Thessaloniki will be the European Youth Capital.
Website (Greek version): http://www.thessaloniki.gr
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thessaloniki
Gamecraft has participated in the ‘Thessaloniki Museum Sleepover’, a major event organized by the Mayor’s office of cultural affairs, running from May 2012 to December 2012 (specific dates), in 9 of the city’s Museums. We played 15 LARPs with over 400 players!
A list of the museums, our LARP took place, is available:
1) Museum of the Macedonian Struggle – Website (English version)
2) War Museum of Thessaloniki – Website (English version)
3) Museum of Byzantine culture – Website (English version)
4) Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki – Website (English version)
5) Fοlklife and Ethnological Museum of Macedonia-Thrace – Website (English version)
6) Science Center and Technology Museum ‘NOESIS’ – Website (English version)
7) Museum of Photography Thessaloniki – Website (English version)
8) Olympic Museum of Thessaloniki – Website (English version)
9) Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art – Website (English version)
Thessaloniki will be the fourth European Youth Capital in 2014. The title that has been chosen for the city is “Time”. The word and concept of “time” aims at presenting the history of the city and its role in South-Eastern Europe, as well as its future perspectives, development and transition towards its social revival. The city’s 2014 programme will comprise a wide range of actions, carried out on the basis of four pillars: creation, participation, special social groups and new social movements. In this way the city intends to define the actions, the interventions and the context within which we will take initiatives as a municipality, so that both the city and its youth will be fully prepared in 2014 to host actions on European as well as international level.
Website (English version): http://europeanyouthcapital.org
Gamecraft has volunteered to help our beloved city by implementing a series of interactive games in sites and museums all over Thessaloniki!
OXYGONO (Greek word for… oxygen) was created by METAICHMIO PUBLICATIONS. Opening its doors in January 2012, at Olympou 81 str., in the centre of Thessaloniki it aspires to become a cultural refuge for book and art lovers all over the city. In its luminous, comfortable loft, with a splendid view of the Roman Market, OXYGONO hosts a variety of cultural events and activities from book clubs, debates and seminars to art and drama workshops for kids and teens.
Website (English version): www.oxygono-metaixmio.gr
Gamecraft’s main private company co-operation. Interactive games for adult or juvenile books (Codebreaking, investigation, storytelling, etc) and educational programs for school visits.
Created in the spirit of TED’s mission, “ideas worth spreading,” the TEDx program is designed to give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level. TEDx events are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis.
Website (English version): www.tedxthessaloniki.com
Gamecraft designed and perfomed a special treasure hunt for all TEDx Thessaloniki 2013 young volunteers. The aim was to promote TEDx theme motto.
A special place where nature and man exist in harmony. A family-owned ecological reserve stretching across 1,000 acres, with endless golden beaches enchantingly framed by the crystal clear waters of the Aegean and the magnificent pine forests of the Kassandra peninsula. Sani Resort will exceed your expectations in every way. A serene setting where you can enjoy nature and relish luxury and comfort. And where there’s always something new to enjoy. A place where we’ll indulge your every wish and help you rediscover the simple things in life.
Website (English version): www.sani-resort.com
Gamecraft hosted an interactive game based on the virtues of recycling and the ecological way of thinking for all the resort’s young residents.
The Future Library, a non-profit organization, was established in Veria in 2011. It spun out of the Veria Central Public Library, recipient of the 2010 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation “Access to Learning” Award. Future Library is open to all public and municipal libraries of Greece. The ultimate goal of this development is to reinforce the significance of libraries, as knowledge, creativity, and interaction-promoting institution in people’s minds.
Website (English version): http://about.futurelibrary.gr
Gamecraft designed an innovative Web-based interactive quiz show with public libraries participating in the ‘Future Library’ project. The game was described as ‘impressive’ and our team’s creativity was praised.
The 10th Thessaloniki Book Fair was held on 16 – 19 May 2013 at the Helexpo Exchibition Center staged by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports, Genenal Secretariat of Culture, Directorate of Letters, in collaboration with Helexpo, the Hellenic Federation of Publishers and Booksellers and the Municipality of Thessaloniki.
Website (English version): www.thessalonikibookfair.com
Gamecraft and 20 young readers played a ‘code hidden in books’ adventure at the ‘Children’s event corner’.
Topline Travel and Tourism is a travel agency located in Thessaloniki, a cultural center and an evident example of the country’s natural beauty. Specialized in business travels and VIP Services, Topline Travel realises the importance of individualised service which comprise a successful event.
Website (English version): http://toplinetravel.gr
Gamecraft keeps up a continuous interplay with Topline Travel as far as Conference, Congress and Business tourism is concerned, with special events and Team-Building games customized according to the client’s theme preference.
The Nautical club of Thessaloniki (N.C.TH) was established in 1931 and remains the oldest established yacht club in Macedonia, Greece. At present time it maintains sailing and rowing branches. It organises many sailing and rowing competitions, such as the Alexander the Great race and the North Aegean Reggata and participates regularly in sporting events such as the Aegean Reggata and other international races. The club numbers almost 600 regular active members.
Website (Greek with English translation): www.ncth.gr
Since 2011, in every year’s NCTH summer camp, Gamecraft plays a ‘sailing adventure’ based on the knowledge of navigation (winds, map reading, plotting a course etc) and the importance of seamanship for all the camp’s young members (from 8 – 15 years old).
Easy Guide was created in 2003 by Maria Kyriakidou, a licensed tourist guide with a 20-year experience in the field of tourism, and since then continually develops its services according to the needs of the market. Our primary endeavor is to help all those who travel to our country to feel the greatness of its 3000-plus years of cultural heritage. We present and promote Hellenic culture, the natural resources, the alternative forms of tourism, folklore, archaeology, Byzantine heritage; we discover new destinations. Easy Guide has a vast network of experienced licensed tourist guides and scientific partners with excellent skills and perfect mastery of foreign languages who will introduce you to Greek hospitality and make you feel at home with their smile and professionalism.
Website (English version): http://easyguide.gr
Gamecraft has a close co-operation with Easy Guide services in team building, treasure hunt and other special events.
Seekers Unlimited (a 501(c)(3) public charity) is a progressive educational development company, located in Los Angeles California, that uses one of the oldest art forms-–play pretend-–to create a unique and engaging learning experience. Our interactive programs can be custom-made for any subject, any level, and any situation, whether the lesson occurs in an hour or a year.Our expert staff designs dramatic narratives similar to the classic “Choose Your Own Adventure” books or modern video role-playing games. But instead of turning a page or clicking a mouse to make things happen, students solve relevant problems in an interactive contextual story. Costumes, props, and technology can greatly enhance the experience, but they are not required. All that’s needed is a little imagination.
Website: http://seekersunlimited.com
Gamecraft will be having a continuous contact with this progressive American educational development company of similar subject and background. Future co-operation is an interesting perspective and fresh ideas could gladly and easily be offered bothways.
Huntzz is an iOS/Android app with real-world treasure (scavenger) hunts and tour guides in one that also allows any individual, location or organisation to create and share their own hunt anywhere in the world! Huntzz was founded by brothers Charles Wiles & Ed Wiles in 2011.
Website: http://www.huntzz.com
A treasure hunt for Thessaloniki (created by Gamecraft):
‘…This is a walk through 23 centuries of history and culture, in a living and colourful city with an abundance of important monuments, where many ethnic and religious communities have lived and prospered throughout the years. Thessaloniki is a crossroads of stories, experiences and events with influences and achievements from diverse peoples of the East and West. This is a hunt for knowledge and for humanity’s essential values…’