“It should be noted that children at play are not playing about; their games should be seen as their most serious-minded activity.”
~Michel de Montaigne
The foundation purpose for the Olympic Museum of Thessaloniki was to reflect the sporting history of the country, by filling the vacuity and absence of similar athletic museums in Greece. At the same time, the basic intention was to create a vivid place, where all the museum’s information will provide a strong motivation for the public to understand, participate and appreciate all aspects of athletism (physical training, health, mental balance, history). Specifically, the Olympic Museum’s goal is the preservation of our sporting heritage and the promotion of the cultural side of all sports. These goals are met in practice through exhibitions, presentations, educational programmes and other interesting events.
For 2014, Gamecraft has designed and implemented a Role Playing Game about the history and values of the Olympic Games in co-operation with the Olympic Museum of Thessaloniki. The ‘Immortal Travelers’ edu-LARP is performed in groups of 16-20 participants, stands as an educational program, providing useful information of the Olympic Games timeline by focusing on the institution’s good and bad historical moments.
Immortal Travelers
It is the year 2096, just before the Olympic Games in Athens, 200 years after the opening of the Olympic Games modern era. The Committee of the Immortals in its effort to restore the fragile world peace, undertakes a mission to remind heads of state about the values of Olympism. The only way to achieve this, is through a time trip. Will they be able to bring the Olympic Truce to task and save our planet from the impending war?
Thessalloniki Olympic Museum Website